A Voice Speaking to the Intersection of Identity, Justice, and Social Transformation.
Sonya is a dynamic visionary and global thought leader bringing nuance, compassion and innovative approaches to some of the world's most challenging social issues. Whether discussing body terrorism at the Obama White House Forum on Disability and LGBTQ Issues, inspiring college graduates as a commencement speaker or exploring the intersection of technology and social change with Silicon Valley, Sonya Renee Taylor is called globally to use her keen insight and power to speak into being a more just, equitable, and compassionate world.

Poet and performer Sonya Renee Taylor, founder of The Body Is Not and Apology, delivered a powerful commencement address to the Smith College School for Social Work class of 2018.

Author, Social Justice Activist, EHF Fellow, and Founder of The Body is not an Apology movement, Sonya Renee Taylor on why comfort is the enemy of change.

Sonya explores the impact of calling out and calling in people who have caused harm. She offers us a third alternative - “calling on”. We often think that discerning someone’s intent is instinctual when it is just not the case. Sonya proposes that those who are the source of suffering, in any given interaction, should bear the responsibility for managing their own change and transformation. Taylor offers "calling on" as a method for naming harm and allowing each of us to carve our own pathway toward ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY for our education and change.

The Body is Not an Apology
How Disability Justice is Radical Self Love!
by Sonya Renee Taylor
Sonya Renee Taylor is the founder and radical executive officer of The Body is Not An Apology, a digital media and education company with content reaching half a million people each month.
Sonya Renee Taylor spoke as part of the 14th Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference.